Golrang Ventures innovation camp was held in the field of livestock and poultry.

Golrang Ventures, in cooperation with Korosh Livestock and Poultry Company, a subsidiary of Golrang Industrial Group, held its innovation camp in the field of livestock and poultry with the presence of applicants from 22 provinces of the country.

Dealing with the attractive areas of investment in Golrang Industrial Group’s subsidiary companies as opportunities in the group’s value chain is one of the activities of Golrang Ventures. This company, as the venture investment arm of the group, has created different calls and attracts technological and innovative teams according to the maturity level of the teams and companies in question.

Information channels

In the spring of 1402, the call for applicants in the field of livestock and poultry with a focus on poultry food was published in the universities and scientific and research institutions of the country. This call was sent in more than 30 units to the elite foundations of the provinces, universities and specialized faculties of animal science, agriculture and natural resources, and veterinary medicine, as well as scientific and research institutions throughout the country, and the applicants registered on the Golrang Ventures website.

Golrang Ventures in this call in four stages; People with ideas, interested people, teams with initial products and mature companies entering the market attracted applicants from 22 provinces of the country.

The applicants were made up of women and men in almost equal proportions, and their educational level was 37% postdoctoral and doctorate, 36% master’s degree, 19% bachelor’s degree, and 8% below that.

Camp route and webinars

After the initial screening, the applicants were divided into two categories: “direct entry to the admission committee” and “need more preparation to enter the admission committee”. The teams and companies that were placed in the first category were discussed and analyzed by the advisors of Korosh Livestock and Poultry Company and Golrang Ventures investment team. Individuals and teams included in the second category were first tested and then entered training webinars and mentoring sessions. These meetings were organized by Golrang Ventures team for the participants, which are as follows.

  • Team building and networking; Zohra Lorek, Senior Ecosystem Development Expert
  • market studies and competitor analysis; Afshin Samani, senior investment expert
  • financial forecasting; Hossein Razaghi, senior investment expert
  • How to present to the investor; Fergal Broumand, Senior Ecosystem Development Expert

Before these webinars, the introduction session of Cyrus Livestock and Poultry Company and the attractive fields of investment was held by the consultants of this company for the participants and its needs and challenges were examined and then all the trainings were implemented based on these cases.

Final review

Finally, on September 21, a judging session was held in the presence of the advisers of Korosh Livestock and Poultry Company, the managing director of Golrang Ventures and its investment team, and the participants presented their work within 5 minutes and were asked questions and answers between 5 and 10 minutes.

Currently, Korosh Livestock and Poultry Company, together with Golrang Ventures investment team, is conducting the final review and holding more meetings with the selected team and companies in order to reach the final results.

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